Thursday 29 November 2018

Where next?

Once again, we spoke to a school in another part of the world. This week, we had a mystery hangout with children who lived approximately 3000 miles away in Massachusetts, USA. After a couple of stumbles, we were able to work out the location of the other school for the win. Our children were not happy to find out that the other class didn't have to wear school uniform! On the other hand, the staff sympathised with their US counterparts as their children were also doing the Fortnite dances non-stop!

The children were more confident asking questions this week and made sure that they were more tactful so that they could find the location quicker.

Where will Cedar Class be next?

Monday 26 November 2018

Author Visit - C. S. Clifford

Key Stage 2 was recently treated to a visit from the author of the 'Walking with...' series, C.S. Clifford. Mr Clifford shared his books with the children and spoke passionately with them on how to write their own stories. After providing them all with a task, he visited the classrooms for a workshops. From the beginning to the end, Mr Clifford had the children erupting with laughter and inspired them with their own writing. 

If you are interested in other books from C. S. Clifford, then we recommend visiting the following website:

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Mystery Hangout

Cedar spent quite a lot of time speaking to children in another school. This school wasn't in Plymouth; it wasn't in wasn't even in Europe! The school was in Canada!

After a game of rock-paper-scissors, the children were in a competition with the other school to see who could guess each other's location first.  Using our questioning skills, we were able to narrow down to the city that they were close to, but we were unable to guess which town they were from. Afterwards, we were able to ask questions about what it was like to live in each other's respective countries. We were amazed to be shown the outside of the school where it was covered in snow!

The Canadian children were jealous: while they were starting the day, we were getting ready to go home!

Friday 16 November 2018

Islam - Salah

As a part of our unit on Islam for RE, the children were learning about the 2nd pillar called Salah. This consists of five daily prayers throughout the day. The children reenacted what muslims would do when they pray by using prayer mats and using the clothing that they would wear.

Parkwood House

As a school, we are very close friends with Parkwood house, which is a care home in Stoke. Children from each year group regularly visit the residents and take part in different enrichment activities which helps from inter-generational bonds. Both the residents and the children had a fantastic time painting, dancing and singing to help them commemorate armistice day.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Heatree 2018

Just before the half term, the children enjoyed an action packed trip to Heatree Activity Centre. Cedar Class took part in team building activities; went kayaking in the cold lakes; waded and crawled through muddy terrain and explored the Dartmoor hills. The children loved spending time in their rooms with their friends and exploring the vast grounds of Heatree! On one night, many children went for a late-night walk with Mr Ogier and could spot Mars in the clear sky. The children were exhausted by the end of their trip - though not a tired as the adults! 

Monday 5 November 2018

Missing angles

In numeracy we have been learning how to find the missing angles of various missing shapes with Mrs Berry. As a way of finishing our unit, Mrs Berry had a difficult task for the children to complete. A variety of different angles were stuck to the table and the children had to find the size of every single one! Not only did the children enjoy solving the challenges, they LOVED writing on the tables!